Music & Worship

Worship Through Song

Gathered together for worship, we are the body of the Christ called to prayer. This is at the core of the celebration of liturgy at St. Thomas the Apostle. All are welcomed to fully, consciously and actively engage in the gathering, the listening, the responding, the singing, the receiving and the accepting of the mission to go forth and glorify the Lord by our lives.
Among the symbols in worship, the Ministry of Music is primary at St. Thomas the Apostle. Singing the liturgy is our norm. “God of music, be our song; melody and harmony. This is where our hearts belong: lifted, singing, constantly…” These words by Adam Tice, sung to music of parishioner Daniel Kantor, give voice to our parish philosophy of the ministry of music.
In all its forms, music touches us deeply and profoundly, beyond when words sometimes fail. Music expresses our joy and sorrow, our need to atone and our cry for justice. Music helps us commend our loved ones to God, baptize our children in the faith, celebrate the sacred covenant of marriage, and reconcile ourselves to God and one another. Musical decision-making is, therefore, done with great care, from many sources and a variety of styles.
We sing chant, gospel music, hymns, and contemporary songs. We hear the sonorous sounds of instruments, including violin, piano, and organ. At times, conga drums and small percussion instruments enhance the music’s rhythm and festiveness. Children and adult voices welcome us into our song, always mindful that the assembly is the primary minister of music. Sung prayer gathers our many voices into one, binds us together as the Body of Christ, and sends us forth with mission.
There are many ways to serve in music ministry!