Ways to Serve
Pastoral Care

faith through compassion

Funeral Lunch
Host and serve meals to families after the funeral of a loved one. Volunteers may spend from two to six hours on setup, serving, and/or cleanup.

Prayer Line
Unite with the parish community in prayer during times of need. Members inform each other by telephone or email of prayer requests related to death, illness, or other crises. Any parishioner willing to pray for others and to call and be called is invited to this ministry.

Pastoral Care Ministers
These specially trained ministers visit our elderly, homebound and those recovering from illness or accidents. They may be called to bring communion to those unable to attend Mass. Adult parishioners are welcome to participate in this confidential, one-to-one ministry.

Pastoral Care Commission
This vital commission works with the Pastoral Administrator to reflect on and guide the parish’s pastoral care ministries to ensure that the needs of parishioners experiencing physical, mental, spiritual, or emotional difficulties are being met.
Protecting Children and Vulnerable Adults
The Church of St. Thomas the Apostle has a long and dedicated history of providing a variety of ministries to meet the many needs of the parish community. The value of parish ministries has also included the unwavering expectation that they take place in a safe and healthy environment grounded in respect for the dignity of all persons participating. In keeping with the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, all parish employees as well as all adult volunteer ministers who interact with minors or vulnerable adults must complete what the Archdiocese calls the Essential 3:
1. Background check
2. Safe Environment training (including VIRTUS)
3. Signing a Code of Conduct.
These requirements must be renewed every three years.
Ministers younger than 18 who work with children must sign a Youth Code of Conduct and provide two written references from trustworthy adults attesting to their character and dependability for their ministry position. Completing a VIRTUS training is recommended but not required.
In addition, in the event that an incident of abuse is known or suspected, all parish staff and volunteers are committed to fully comply with reporting expectations of both civil and Archdiocesan authorities. Contact us for more information about the Essential 3.