Mission & Vision

Our mission, built upon and rooted in that of the universal church,
is to proclaim the Gospel, make Jesus Christ known and loved,
and bring people into a saving relationship with God in the power of the Holy Spirit.

We are a community of
Not only through bricks and mortar, font and altar, banners and art…
but to community, faithful doubters,
and those seeking to know and love Jesus Christ.
We are a community of
Not only with words and music, signs and symbols, rites and rituals…
but with hearts open to the Gospel
and souls strengthened by the Eucharist.
We are a community of
Not only by teaching Scripture, Tradition, and Christian discipleship…
but by sharing questions, stories,
and personal journeys toward a personal God.
We are a community of
Not only to members, friends and family, and those who share our story…
but to strangers, outcasts, and forgotten neighbors
outside our neighborhood.
This is our mission, our vision,
our four-fold way
This is our call and our response.
This is who we are
and who we seek to become.
We are St. Thomas the Apostle.
A Catholic Community of Inclusion