Faith Formation for All

A Lifelong Ministry

Grounded in Scripture and Catholic tradition, Faith Formation for All (FFA) is a ministry of lifelong faith formation. So wherever you are on your faith journey, come and join us!
We share our faith in God, in Jesus Christ and in one another as Church. We tell our story; we form relationships rooted in the theological virtues of faith, hope and love; we commit ourselves to share our gifts with one another in a spirit of civility, charity, and understanding. We respect and value the life experiences of each person on their faith journey. It is truly an invitation for all to come and share their stories.
FFA on Wednesday evenings offers:
- faith formation for children in grades K-8
- preparation for First Reconciliation and First Communion starting in second grade
- faith formation for adults
Each week, people of all ages are invited to join in a brief prayer service in the church and then participate in break-out sessions with others their age.
We also offer special evenings for the entire parish. On Advent Wreath Making Night, all parishioners are welcome to create an Advent wreath from fresh pine boughs. On Jell-O/Bingo Night, we hold a Jell-O creation contest and enjoy a fun-filled evening of Bingo. For our Table Prayer, we gather as a parish community for prayer and a meal and to celebrate a year of sharing our faith together.
Faith Formation for Children & Youth
We seek to form young disciples by introducing them to Jesus and our Catholic Christian faith. Our children come to know the love that Jesus has for them and seek to share that love with others. Because children and youth are part of Faith Formation for All, they gather on Wednesday evenings with others who are also seeking to grow in their faith, instilling in them the message that our formation in faith is a lifelong journey.
Scroll down for registration information.
We use the Pflaum Gospel Weeklies materials for grades K–1 and 3–8. Participants hear and learn the Sunday Gospel to be better prepared to love and live the Gospel. Further information about the curriculum can be found at
5:45 Monthly Community Meal*
6:30 Prayer Service in the Church
6:45 Faith formation sessions
7:45 Grades K-8 end
8:15 Adults end
* Meal will require an RSVP. Look for sign up in bulletin on meal weeks.
2024 – 2025 Calendar
2 FFA – Week 1*
9 FFA – Week 2
16 MEA break
23 FFA – Week 3
30 FFA – Week 4*
6 FFA – Week 5
13 FFA – Week 6
20 All Parish Advent Wreath Making Night*
27 Thanksgiving Break
4 FFA – Week 7
11 FFA – Week 8
12 First Reconciliation Celebration
18 FFA – Week 9*
25 winter break
1 winter break
8 FFA – Week 10*
15 FFA – Week 11
22 FFA – Week 12
29 All Parish Jell-O Bingo Night*
5 FFA – Week 13
12 FFA – Weel 14
19 FFA – Week 15
26 FFA – Week 16*
5 Ash Wednesday*
12 FFA – Week 17
19 FFA – Week 18
26 FFA – Week 19*
2 Spring break
9 FFA – Week 20
16 Holy Week
23 FFA – Week 21*
30 FFA – Week 22
3 First Communion Retreat
7 FFA – Week 23
11 First Communion Celebrations
14 Table Prayer*
18 Registration for fall
*Dinner included these nights
Protection of Children and Youth Initiative
Faith Formation for All catechists are trained for their ministry role. An initial training session is provided as well as yearly renewal sessions. In addition, all adults undergo a background check, complete safe environment training and sign a Code of Conduct. All catechists under age 18 provide written references and sign the Youth Code of Conduct.
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) mandates that all dioceses provide age-appropriate, church-approved safety instruction for children in faith formation. Children in grades K-5 will engage in the safety awareness program KidSmartz, grade 6 uses NetSmartz and grades 7-8 use the middle school NetSmartz. For more information contact the Coordinator of Faith Formation with Children.
To register your child for our Faith Formation for All ministry, please download and print it out. After completion, the form may be mailed to or dropped off at the parish office. Our mailing address is found on the form.
Faith Formation for Adults
The faith questions we have as adults are not the same as the ones that occupied our minds as children. At Saint Thomas the Apostle, we seek to engage adults as adults – respected in their unique state of life and their own journey in faith. Adults are invited to gather either in person or online (via Zoom sessions) according to the schedule below. (The Wednesday evening session includes a monthly community meal and a weekly brief prayer service prior to the breakout session).
We offer other special opportunities for adults throughout the year such as book-discussions, film-discussions, and occasional speakers. For the current year – 2022-2023 – we will be reflecting on the Sunday readings, using “The Word Among Us” resource.
Registration takes place in September, but you may join at any time, and need not commit to being at every session.
The schedule of adult sessions is as follows:
Tuesday evening, 6:30 – 8:00, via Zoom
Wednesday morning, 10:00 – 11:30, in the Parish Center Living Room
Wednesday evening – 5:45 monthly community meal* in Dillon Hall, 6:30 prayer in Church, 6:45-8 meeting in Dillon Hall
Friday Morning, 10:00 – 11:30, via Zoom
*Meal will require an RSVP. Look for sign up in the bulletin on meal weeks.
September 2024 – May 2025
Weekly Adult schedule can vary, please refer to weekly bulletin for any changes to the above schedule.
Sacramental Preparation
Saint Thomas Aquinas famously said, “grace perfects nature.” As Catholics, we believe that the Sacraments are channels of God’s grace. Our ability to receive and appreciate that grace is enriched when we are well-prepared to celebrate those Sacraments. Therefore, we offer ministries of preparation for those children who expect to celebrate the church’s Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist, those youth who expect to celebrate Confirmation, and those adults who are seeking to marry, to have their child baptized, or themselves be initiated into the Catholic Church. For more information, please go to our Sacraments page and explore the Sacraments of interest to you.
Catechists (Teachers)
Sacramental Preparation catechists are trained for their ministry role. An initial training session is provided as well as yearly renewal sessions. The time commitment is approximately two hours most Wednesday evenings from September through May. Any parish member high school age or older is welcome. In addition, all adults undergo a background check, complete safe environment training and sign a Code of Conduct. All catechists under age 18 provide written references and sign the Youth Code of Conduct.
Our catechists are the backbone of Faith Formation for All and we would be unable to provide this ministry without them. We always need catechists to lead, substitute and help with special projects. Please consider offering your talent and time to this meaningful and fun ministry. For more information, contact Tina Erazmus
Our Faith Formation Team

Bill Nolan
Pastoral Associate – Faith Formation / Social Outreach
Bill oversees the faith formation, sacramental preparation and social outreach ministries for the parish. He is directly involved in leading adult faith formation and spiritual enrichment ministries. Bill joined St. Thomas the Apostle in 2005.

Cheryl Taylor
Coordinator of Faith Formation with Children
Cheryl coordinates all aspects of our children’s faith formation ministries, which comprise Seeds (ages 3-5) and Liturgy of the Word with Children (ages 6 and older) on Sunday mornings and Faith Formation for All (grades K-8) on Wednesday evenings. She also manages the safe environment requirements for the parish as directed by the Office for the Protection of Children and Youth of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis. Cheryl has been on staff at St. Thomas the Apostle since 2006.

Carol Solheid
Coordinator of First Reconciliation and First Communion
Carol coordinates the preparation for and reception of the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion for Children (typically 2nd grade). Carol is a former parish Trustee, former chair of the Pastoral Council, and a longtime catechist for children’s ministries. Carol joined the parish staff in 2024.

Abby Bosway
Coordinator of Confirmation & Youth Ministry
Abby coordinates the preparation for and reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation for the youth (typically 9th grade) of both St. Thomas the Apostle and Christ the King. She also serves as the youth minister for both parishes, serving youth in grades 6-12. Abby began her service to STA and CTK in 2024.