Ways to Serve

Community Life

strengthening bonds

Livestream Volunteer

The 9am Sunday Mass is livestreamed for the benefit of those who can’t attend in person. Volunteers are needed to help with the livestreaming. If you are comfortable using a computer, we can train you on this system. The time commitment is one 90-minute training session, during which you will practice at either the 5 pm Saturday Mass or the 11am Sunday Mass. Then you will be asked to livestream one Mass a month in partnership with one of the experienced livestream crew. Schedules are flexible, but reliability is important. 

Interested in learning more about livestreaming?

Coffee & Donuts

Serve coffee, juice and donuts to parishioners once a month after the Sunday 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Masses, or cookies and juice after the Saturday 5:00 p.m. Mass from September – May. Volunteers may sign up for as many or as few weekends as they wish.

Interested in being part of the Coffee and Donuts team?

New Member Welcome

Members of the Welcoming Ministry are available in the gathering space after Mass to answer questions and provide information about St. Thomas the Apostle parish, including how to become a member. Committee members phone newly registered parishioners to welcome them and answer any questions. New Member Committee members organize and invite our newest families to the New Member Blessing weekends.

Interested in being part of the New Member Welcome program?

Hospitality Committee

Schedules and organizes social activities each year that give parish members the opportunity to meet and interact. Events include both family and adult activities. Members attend a yearly planning meeting and are asked to participate in some way at each event. Committee members should be genuinely interested in the social life of the parish and feel comfortable mixing and welcoming others.

Interested in joining the Hospitality Committee?

Short-term Helper

Want to help our parish community celebrate special events? Parishioners will help on an as-needed basis for a variety of projects.

Interested in helping out occasionally?

Office Volunteer

Opportunities at the Parish Center include a variety of office tasks including answering the phone, helping with paperwork, and recordkeeping. If you are occasionally available for an hour or two and enjoy working with others, please consider this opportunity.

Interested in serving as an office volunteer?

Money Counter

They are responsible for tallying the proceeds of the weekend Mass collections. They work on Monday mornings for four months of the year; time commitment is approximately an hour each week. All money counters must have a background and credit check, per Archdiocesan policy.

Interested in serving as a money counter?

Meal Prep and Cleanup

Our Wednesday evenings begin with a simple family meal in Dillon Hall. Volunteers are needed to prepare, serve and clean up. Form your own team or join an existing group and meet new people. Meals are served most Wednesday evenings from September to May. All ages welcome!

Interested in helping with meal prep and clean-up?

Flag Sewing

The front sidewalk’s seasonal flags need to be replaced regularly because of damage from sun, wind and rain. Fabric, thread and instructions are provided.

Interested in helping with flag sewing?

Garden Club

Join fellow parishioners during the gardening season to plant flowers, trim bushes, pull weeds, spread mulch and various other tasks needed in the many gardens at St. Thomas. Work dates are scheduled in advance, approximately 1-2 times per month. Come as often as you can. Green thumbs not required.

Interested in being part of the Garden Club?

Saints Men’s Club

All men who are registered parishioners of St. Thomas the Apostle, Christ the King or who have kids at Carondelet Catholic School are potential members of the Saints Men’s Club. The Saints Men’s Club is the place for you to build a network with other men within your community and give back.

Community Life Commission

Works with the Community Life Coordinator to plan and implement a variety of programs designed to strengthen the bonds of community, especially ensuring that new members are effectively integrated into parish life.

Interested in being part of the Community Life Commission?

It's easy. Download our Time & Talent brochure to learn more.