Fr. Michael’s Move

Fr. Michael’s Move

Our future pastor and the formation of our Parish Cluster May 18, 2023 WEEKEND MASSES AFTER JULY 1 Several weeks ago, I announced that, after I move on July 1, Father Erich Rutten will begin to serve as pastor of the clustered parishes of Christ the King and Saint...
Advent Afternoon of Reflection

Advent Afternoon of Reflection

ADVENT AFTERNOON OF REFLECTION Discipleship in a Divided Church—A Book Discussion   Saturday, December 3 2:00 – 4:30 PM  Pope Francis invites all the baptized to engage in dialogue about how the Holy Spirit is leading the Catholic Church to share the...
Liturgy of Remembrance

Liturgy of Remembrance

The Liturgy of Remembrance THE COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED   Tuesday, November 2, 7:00 PM   The Feast of All Souls is that time when the church gathers to recall all who have died.  In this liturgy we commemorate our loved ones who have gone...
Mission Critical Campaign

Mission Critical Campaign

After a year of investigation and prioritization, after a year of fundraising, and after three years of construction, we can now declare that our major capital improvement projects are complete. 2017 In 2017, our facilities committee worked with Opus Design Build to...
A Message from Fr. Michael

A Message from Fr. Michael

Weekly Bulletin Column From Fr. Michael Reding December 27, 2021 It’s good to be home! Then they opened their treasures and offered himgifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.(Matthew 2:11) It’s that time of year. As Epiphany is approaching – as the end of the...