Suggestions for Lent

We probably all have stories from our youth of Lenten sacrifices.
This year, consider splurging on some Lenten opportunities.

Operation Rice Bowl

You are invited to participate in this fasting and almsgiving initiative from Catholic Relief Services (CRS). Rice Bowls are available at church for pick up on Sundays during Lent and at the Parish Center during the week. One day a week (typically Friday), you choose to prepare a very simple meal and contribute what you would have usually spent to your Rice Bowl. Return the Rice Bowl during the Holy Thursday liturgy; the parish sends the money to CRS. For more information, visit

Gather online or in-person to read, study, and reflect on Sunday scriptures

The Sundays of Lent provide us with what can rightly be called a “greatest hits” collection of Gospel stories, among them the stories of the Temptation in the Desert, the Transfiguration, and the Prodigal Son. Email Bill Nolan for more details ([email protected]).

Stations of the Cross In-Person or via ZOOM

Fridays during Lent:

Noon is a Zoom event
5:30pm In-Person, we will gather as a group in the Chapel, then share a Soup Supper for all who would like to share a simple meal together.

Email Bill Nolan at [email protected] to sign up for the Zoom dates.

Pray the Stations of the Cross at your leisure

Two options are recommended.

Celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation

Offered each Saturday between 3:30 and 4:00 where the Saturday Mass is Celebrated (at CTK in March & STA in April) , or by appointment with Father Rutten: [email protected]

Materials for Lenten Reflection


  • The Lemon Tree, by Sandy Tolan, on the struggle for peace in the Middle East between Palestinians and Jews
  • Jesus: A Pilgrimage, by Fr. James Martin, SJ, a spiritual travelogue through the Holy Land
  • Shantung Compound, by Langdon Gilkey, a story about the internment of westerners in a prison camp during the Japanese occupation of China during WWII.
  • The Sunflower: On the Possibilities and Limits of Forgiveness, by Simon Wiesenthal, a holocaust survivor’s story
  • A Letter to a Suffering Church, by Bishop Robert Barron, a bishop’s response to the sexual abuse crisis in the Catholic Church. (Free copies of this short book are available in the Gathering Space during Lent.)


  • The Mission, a story of 18th century Christian missionaries in South America and the political battles between church and state.
  • Chocolat, a story of a woman’s attempt to begin life anew and one man’s reluctance to let her free herself from her past.
  • Field of Dreams, a story of how baseball led to a man’s reconnection with his father.
  • The Chosen, a relatively new, critically acclaimed series on the life of Jesus, available through several online streaming site and on an app.
  • Godspell
  • Jesus of Nazareth
  • The Greatest Story Ever Told
  • The Way, Martin Sheen


  • A Love Supreme, John Coltrane
  • The Essential Leonard Cohen: You’ve probably heard his “Hallelujah,” either the original or one of many covers, but there’s so much more where that came from.