Discipleship in a Divided Church—A Book Discussion
Saturday, December 3
2:00 – 4:30 PM
Pope Francis invites all the baptized to engage in dialogue about how the Holy Spirit is leading the Catholic Church to share the Gospel. Months before Francis became pope, Liturgical Press published Scandal: The Catholic Church and Public Life, a book that promotes dialogue about becoming a church more like the one that we now see Francis embody. You are invited to read Scandal: The Catholic Church and Public Life, reflect on your own experience of the Catholic Church, and discuss what discipleship looks like today. The discussion will be with the author. Participants will be invited to stay for 5pm Mass.
Please sign up if you plan to attend.
You can register at the table in the Gathering Space, by calling the Parish Center (612-922-0041), or by emailing Bill Nolan.
If you haven’t yet read the book, you can still pick one up in the Gathering Space. Additional copies will also be available on the day of the event. All are welcome to attend.
Angela Senander is a theologian and author with experience in Catholic higher education and health care. She was Director of Ministry Formation for Bon Secours Mercy Health during the first year of the pandemic. Before that, she directed the Institute for Catholicism and Citizenship as an associate professor at the University of St. Thomas. She also served as chair of the department of systematic and moral theology at Washington Theological Union, where she taught courses on church in the public square. Her doctorate in theological ethics is from Boston College.